Thanks for Participating in FIP-0014!
The Filecoin community has completed its first-ever FILPoll, a new tool for surveying stakeholders on improvement proposals and other initiatives. Thanks to the 200+ storage miners who participated in the poll for FIP-0014, which considered whether to allow miners to extend v1 proof sectors up to a maximum lifetime of 540 days. Extending such sectors was disabled in the network version v7 upgrade (November 2020) due to a security concern with these proofs; v1.1 proofs were introduced to fix this security concern. This caused problems for miners who sealed v1 proof sectors in the early days of the network. Read more about the Filecoin Improvement Proposal process and this first FIL-Poll here.
Survey Result
The poll officially closed at 16:00 UTC, Saturday, March 27th. Miners voted overwhelmingly to allow extending the v1 proof sector’s lifetime to up to 540 days. The full results of the survey can be found here.
Together, participating miners represented more than 1.22 EiB of total network storage power, which is more than a third of the network’s overall storage capacity. 97.74% of the voted power was in favor of accepting FIP-0014, while 2.26% of voted power rejected the proposal. Out of 1650 active miners, 150 miners voted to accept FIP-0014, 53 miners rejected the proposal, and 1 miner abstained.
What’s Next
The Filecoin core devs will now make a final decision on whether the FIP should be accepted in the network based on the poll result and a final security audit. Final decisions will be posted on this blog and in the FIP-0014 discussion later today.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this first FIPs survey on FIP-0014. Your continued involvement and contributions are critical to the success of the network! FILPolls are one of the many small steps required to create transparent and fully-functioning community governance.